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Virtual Open Office Hours
with Professor Jason Corso

Every Monday | 12 PM ET, 17:00 UTC

Drop in on a weekly and informal chat with Professor Jason Corso

What are Open Office Hours?

These chats are for students, engineers, researchers, founders, open source contributors, coders, roboticists, authors, and sci-fi enthusiasts. Office Hours take place every Monday at noon Eastern Time for 60 minutes.

What topics are open for discussion?

In addition to your questions, Professor Corso would like to hear your perspectives, such as challenges and opportunities in your research or what robot you would choose to join you on a desert island and why.

About Dr. Jason Corso

Dr. Jason Corso is currently a Professor of Robotics and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at The Johns Hopkins University in 2005. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award (2009), ARO Young Investigator award (2010), Google Faculty Research Award (2015) and the DARPA CSSG (2009).

He is also the Co-Founder and Chief Scientist of Voxel51, a computer vision startup that is building the state of the art platform for video and image based applications.

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