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Speak at an Upcoming Meetup​

Are you working on cutting edge machine learning research or related open source projects? If so, please consider speaking at an upcoming AI, ML & Data Science Meetup!

About the Meetups

  • Our members are data scientists, AI/ML engineers, and researchers who want to expand their knowledge of AI, computer vision, and complementary open source technologies through technical presentations
  • Comprised of a network of virtual Meetup groups around the world
  • Every month we feature diverse speakers working at
the cutting edge of AI in both commercial and
academic settings
  • Americas, EU, and APAC friendly time zone Meetups
  • Talks are 30 mins in length, plus Q&A

Submit a talk proposal!​

Past Speakers

These Meetups are awesome because our speakers are awesome!
Consider joining the 50+ presenters who have already spoken at a Meetup.