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Make visual AI a reality

Build production-ready visual AI faster and more easily with FiftyOne from Voxel51. By simplifying and automating how you explore, visualize and curate visual data, Voxel51 lets you test and refine your models alongside exactly the datasets they need to ensure robust, accurate results.

Better data => better models => the fastest path to success with visual AI.

Trusted by tens of thousands of users and their forward-looking companies

The best place for refining data and models

Voxel51 provides the leading solution to manage, visualize and work with the data and models you need to build successful visual AI applications.


Open source FiftyOne is the standard used by tens of thousands of individual builders to refine data and models for visual AI. FiftyOne simplifies and automates how you explore, curate, and test visual datasets together with your computer vision models. Get started in minutes.

FiftyOne Teams

FiftyOne Teams is an enterprise-ready solution that extends open source FiftyOne with capabilities for cloud data, dataset permissions, versioning, sharing, security, and more.

With FiftyOne, you can...

Visualize your data

Explore, search, and slice your datasets. Quickly find the samples and labels that match your criteria.

Learn how to create views in FiftyOne >

Curate high quality datasets

Use FiftyOne’s tight integrations with public datasets like COCO, Open Images, and ActivityNet, or create your own datasets from scratch.

Learn how to load data into FiftyOne >

Train better models

Data quality is a key limiting factor on model performance. Use FiftyOne to identify, visualize, and correct your model’s failure modes.

Learn how to evaluate models in FiftyOne >

Find mistakes

Annotation mistakes lead to bad models, but finding mistakes by hand isn’t scalable. FiftyOne helps automatically find and correct label mistakes so you can curate higher quality datasets.

Learn how to find annotation mistakes in FiftyOne >

Use the Brain

Aggregate performance metrics and manual debugging don’t scale. Use the FiftyOne Brain to identify edge cases, mine new samples for training, and much more.

Learn how to use FiftyOne Brain’s machine learning to improve your workflows >

Get to production faster

Data scientists spend up to 65% of their time wrangling and evaluating data. With FiftyOne, build data-centric pipelines that surface the high quality data that production-ready models need.

FiftyOne is trusted by leading dataset providers


The COCO team recommends FiftyOne for downloading, visualizing, and evaluating the most popular large-scale object detection dataset in the world.

Google's Open Images

In collaboration with Google, FiftyOne makes it easy to download, visualize, and evaluate models on one of the largest publicly available annotated image datasets in the world.


We partnered with the ActivityNet team to natively support downloading, visualizing, and evaluating the leading video understanding dataset directly in FiftyOne.

FiftyOne integrates with your favorite ML tools




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Meetup members

Join the community of developers and scientists who are already using FiftyOne to improve the quality of their data and build better models