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ECCV 2024 Redux: Day 3

Nov 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM Pacific

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Closing the Gap Between Satellite and Street-View Imagery Using Generative Models

Ningli Xu
Ohio State University

With the growing availability of satellite imagery (e.g., Google Earth), nearly every part of the world can be mapped, though street-view images remain limited. Creating street views from satellite data is crucial for applications like virtual model generation, media content enhancement, 3D gaming, and simulations. This task, known as satellite-to-ground cross-view synthesis, is tackled by our geometry-aware framework, which maintains geometric precision and relative geographical positioning using satellite information.

ECCV 2024 Paper: Geospecific View Generation — Geometry-Context Aware High-resolution Ground View Inference from Satellite Views

About the Speaker

Ningli Xu is a Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University, specializing in generative AI and computer vision, with a focus on addressing image and video generation challenges in the geospatial domain.

High-Efficiency 3D Scene Compression Using Self-Organizing Gaussians

Wieland Morgenstern
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute

In just over a year, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has made waves in computer vision for its remarkable speed, simplicity, and visual quality. Yet, even scenes of a single room can exceed a gigabyte in size, making it difficult to scale up to larger environments, like city blocks. In this talk, we’ll explore compression techniques to reduce the 3DGS memory footprint. We’ll dive deeply into our novel approach, Self-Organizing Gaussians, which proposes to map splatting attributes into a 2D grid, using a high-performance parallel linear assignment sorting developed to reorganize the splats on the fly. This grid assignment allows us to leverage traditional 2D image compression techniques like JPEG to efficiently store 3D data. Our method is quick and easy to decompress and provides a surprisingly competitive compression ratio. The drastically reduced memory requirements make this method perfect for efficiently streaming 3D scenes at large scales, which is especially useful for AR, VR and gaming applications.

ECCV 2024 Paper: Compact 3D Scene Representation via Self-Organizing Gaussian Grids

About the Speaker

Wieland Morgenstern is a Research Associate at the Computer Vision & Graphics group at Fraunhofer HHI and is pursuing a PhD at Humboldt University Berlin. His research focuses on representing 3D scenes and virtual humans.

Skeleton Recall Loss for Connectivity Conserving and Resource Efficient Segmentation of Thin Tubular Structures

Maximilian Rokuss
Medical Image Computing at German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University

Yannick Kirchoff
Medical Image Computing at German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University

We present Skeleton Recall Loss, a novel loss function for topologically accurate and efficient segmentation of thin, tubular structures, such as roads, nerves, or vessels. By circumventing expensive GPU-based operations, we reduce computational overheads by up to 90% compared to the current state-of-the-art, while achieving overall superior performance in segmentation accuracy and connectivity preservation. Additionally, it is the first multi-class capable loss function for thin structure segmentation.

ECCV 2024 Paper: Skeleton Recall Loss for Connectivity Conserving and Resource Efficient Segmentation of Thin Tubular Structures

About the Speakers

Maximilian Rokuss holds a M.Sc. in Physics from Heidelberg University, now PhD Student in Medical Image Computing at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Heidelberg University

Yannick Kirchoff holds a M.Sc. in Physics from Heidelberg University, now PhD Student in Medical Image Computing at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Helmholtz Information and Data Science School for Health