Computer Vision Meetup Update — November ‘22

November 8, 2022 – Written by Jimmy Guerrero

At the end of September we announced a virtual network of 12 Meetups focused on computer vision. It’s been a month, so we thought it was time to provide an update on how things are progressing.

Membership is growing fast!

The membership of the Meetup has grown to over 1,600+ members in just three short months! If you still haven’t joined, here’s the current list of Meetups:

RSVP for Upcoming Meetups

We’ve got an exciting lineup of speakers between Nov ’22 and Feb ’23. Make sure to register for the Zoom after RSVP-ing for the Meetup.

November 10

  • Scaling Autonomous Vehicles with Computer Vision — Sri Anumakonda (Autonomous Vehicle Developer)
  • Synthetic Data Generators and Deploying Highly Accurate Retail Supply Chain Computer Vision Apps — Tarik Hammadou (NVIDIA)
  • Zoom Link

December 8

January 12

February 9

  • Breaking the Bottleneck of AI Deployment at the Edge with OpenVINO — Paula Ramos, PhD (Intel)
  • Understanding Speech Recognition with OpenAI’s Whisper Model — Vishal Rajput (AI-Vision Engineer)
  • Zoom Link

Get Involved!

This is a community-driven group of Meetups, so please consider getting involved to help make these events awesome! Reach out to Meetup co-organizer Jimmy Guerrero on or ping him over LinkedIn to discuss how to get you plugged in.

Consider speaking at a future Meetup

Are you working on an interesting computer vision problem at work or for your research? Are you the maintainer of an open source computer vision tool or library? If you answered “Yes” to either question, we encourage you to consider speaking at a future event!

Host a local Meetup

Do you know of a meeting space that we could use to host a local Meetup? If so, please reach out.

Become a co-organizer

Are you interested in finding local speakers, hunting down a meeting space, helping with logistics, and MC-ing local events? Then consider becoming a local co-organizer.

Sponsor a local Meetup

Does your employer have a marketing or DevRel budget to help support the Meetup with administrative costs, swag giveaways and monthly charitable donations on behalf of the members? Please do not hesitate to get in touch!

A quick word from our sponsor

Get started with open source FiftyOne gif

Voxel51 is the company behind the open source FiftyOne computer vision toolset. FiftyOne enables data science teams to improve the performance of their computer vision models by helping them curate high quality datasets, evaluate models, find mistakes, visualize embeddings, and get to production faster. It’s easy to get started, in just a few minutes.