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Secury360 uses FiftyOne to balance computer vision datasets & improve model performance


Business & Site Security

How are you using Voxel51?

The Secury360 box transforms CCTV setups into proactive perimeter detection solutions that use AI to eliminate false alarms and guarantee only human detection, with 99.998% accuracy. The Secury360 box features edge AI to gradually learn the terrain through deep learning to recognize behavior and discern if someone has bad intentions. Because only human detections get through the filter, operators have more time to respond to and prevent real threats.

secury360 product hero image

Secury360's success with FiftyOne

Secury360 has to manage very large image and video datasets that are constantly being fed by devices. FiftyOne helps Secury360 constantly improve their machine learning model by enabling them to compare similar data, and in turn, deliver a more distributed dataset to train their surveillance model on.

Workflows & highlights

images & videos multimedia icon

Image & video support

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Balanced datasets

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Improved models

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